The Brittany Groover
Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Brittany Groover Memorial Scholarship Fund provides financial support to church and community based youth oriented camps and conferences, as well as providing financial support to one or more graduating seniors from Jefferson Forest High School in Forest, Virginia.
Brittany Groover was a charming young woman, daughter, sister, student, and friend living and thriving in Lynchburg, Virginia. Everyone she knew – whether family or friends – were struck by her generous smile and kindness. She loved going to Jefferson Forest High School, competing in soccer and swimming, rooting for Virginia Tech, and attending St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church.
On Novermber 12, 2002, her beautiful 15-year old life was cut short, in the midst of a tragic automobile accident. Her parents, Tim and Beth Groover, along with the rest of her family and friends, struggled to piece things back together and make sense of such a tragedy. The sharing and gathering of support that rose up around this led to the creation of the Angels Foundation, and more specifically, The Brittany Groover Memorial Sholarship Fund.
Established in her memory, the Scholarship Fund is focused on seeking out aspiring church and community-based youth-oriented camps and conferences in order to come alongside and assist with financial support. It also assists in providing college scholarship support to one or more distinguished graduating seniors each year from Brittany’s alma mater, Jefferson Forest High School. The Groover family felt this was an effective way to honor Brittany and her memory, by sharing some of her signature kindness with others in the communities that she loved.
Coming alongside youth programs in the Lynchburg area.
Contact Us
Interested in finding out how you can start healing and helping all at the same time? Reach out and let us know.
Contact us with any questions you might have about how you can get involved with the Angels Foundation – whether to contribute to our cause, or to seek help through one of our scholarships and grants. We’d love to hear from you.